About the History of Floristics

Beautifully presented flowers are a symbol of aesthetics and beauty. Flowers are often the most beautiful decoration in the house, pleasing not only to our eyes but often to the smell of their wonderful smell. Even many years ago, people decorated the house with various flower arrangements, bouquets, and wreaths. This gave the home coziness, beauty, and individuality. Even now, we can meet even various architectural finds that people adorned and adorned with a wide variety of rings. Images of flowers can be found in art: painted in a wide variety of paintings, sculptures, and even mentioned in poetic works. Flowers are still symbolic and popular in spelling, painting, and other arts.

As for the history of floristics, it is necessary to go back to ancient Egypt. It is said that digging in the pyramids were found vessels for soaking bouquets, as well as the seeds and leaves of the palm trees, ficus, and other plants for decoration. Even the tomb of Pharaoh – Tutankhamun in Egypt was carved with an old wreath lying among many gold formations. This wreath was left to him by his wife as a symbol of farewell. This was picked from poppies, cornflowers, and flax. Another of the most famous formations in the history of floristics is the magnificent hanging gardens of Babylon. Still known as one of the seven wonders of the world. The first florists were called “bouquet binders”, they collected flowers, composed and tied them into various bouquets.

As far as cultures are concerned, so are the types of floristic art. Each nation stood out with its own tradition of tying flowers. Here the aforementioned Egyptians gave each flower a symbolic meaning. Suppose the rose flower was a symbol of short life, and here the lily symbolized freedom and hope. In China, anemones were donated to a loved one, in England, the little forget-me-nots had the same meaning. And the nations living closer to the south did not attach much importance to the flowers, because the conditions for them to grow there were excellent, and people simply got used to spending time between the flowers every day.

It is possible to learn a lot and a long time about the history of floristics, both about the ancient peoples and their attitude to the symbolism of flowers and about the simple art of tying. One of the most famous is ikebana – practiced in Japan to this day.